Do I Walk as Judas Did? A Scary Question To Consider! Today’s DSI’s Devotional

DSI Devotions: I not only love to share what God gives me revelation on but I also love to share from devotionals, I read, while doing my own quiet time with the Lord. There is so much wealth of revelation from those who walked this path before us. I hope you enjoy this and others from the 1800’s. Such as Moody, Spurgeon, Bowen etc.

Do I Walk as Judas Did?  A Scary Question To Consider!

Judas Iscariot . . . was a thief, and had the bag, and bore what was put therein. John 7: 4, 6.

Freely ye have received, freely give. Matt.10:8. Ah, but if we should go thoroughly into this matter, should we not probably find that many of us are guilty, in some modified and yet sufficiently alarming sense, of treachery to the poor? Are we not, some of us, sent to them with benefactions which never reach them, and are only unconscious of guilt because so long accustomed to look upon the goods as bestowed on us, whereas the light of God’s word would plainly reveal upon those goods the names of the poor and needy?—George Bowen.

A question to consider;  As I walk with Jesus, the same as Judas.  Am I keeping the money that God has entrusted me to help other with?  Am I only thinking of what new toy I can get when I receive more money?

What do we say to the Lord, when we stand before him and give an account for what we did with our salvation (not our sins, they were paid for!)   Then, He asked this question or makes this comment; “Do you know, you spent more on your pets (toys, vacations, concerts, eating out., etc)  then you did spreading the Gospel to the poor?  What will you say?

Devotional by George Bowen

Commentary by Dennis Stauffer


Are You Wasting The Life Christ Gave You?

Are you wasting your life sitting on the bench (The Pew)?

Do you want to get in the GAME and make a difference to a hurting family in Guatemala for Jesus Christ?  We just happen to have a position for you here at DSI Ministries,  so you can get your “Hands In Action.”

 Become Part of the Team at:

Draw Near

Delay not, delay not, O sinner, draw near. The waters of life are now flowing for thee; No price is demanded, the Savior is here; Redemption is purchased, salvation is free.

Delay not, delay not, the Spirit of grace, Long grieved and resisted, may take His sad flight, and leave thee in darkness to finish thy race, to sink in the groom of eternity’s night.

Thomas Hasting (1784-1872)

Fresh Manna

Exodus 16:4 Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day……

21 And they gathered it every morning, every man according to his eating:

What worked Yesterday does not mean it will work today!

Go get fresh manna!

Let God supply you according to each new day’s needs.


Why do non-believers believe Christian are hypocrites?

When the initiation into to Christianity (so to speak) is as follows: To even enter into God kingdom, one must realize, they are never worthy in themselves. It is only on Jesus’s works alone, that will never change!

Charles Spurgeon said it perfectly:

“The first link between my soul and Christ is not my goodness but my badness, not my merit but my misery, not my riches but my need.”

 En Espanol: 

Por qué creen que los no creyentes cristianos son hipócritas?

Cuando la iniciación al cristianismo (por así decirlo) es la siguiente: hasta para entrar en el reino de Dios, uno debe darse cuenta, que nunca se digno en sí mismos. Sólo en Jesús está trabaja solo, eso nunca cambiará!
Charles Spurgeon lo dijo perfectamente:
” la primera conexión entre mi alma y Cristo no es Dios mío pero mi maldad, no es mi mérito pero mi miseria, no mis riquezas pero mi necesidad.”

Are You In A Spiritual Wilderness?

Do you feel like you are in a spiritual wilderness or not sure where to turn or what to do?  This  devotional blessed me:

O Lord God, Thou knowest! Ezek. xxxvii. 3. Here is the response of faith. “Thou knowest!”—what a pillow for the heart to repose upon! “Thou knowest!”—what few but comprehensive words to sum up and express the heart’s difficulties and perplexities and trials. “Thou knowest!”—what an inexpressibly sweet resting-place in the midst of life’s tumultuous heavings; in the midst of a sea that knows no calm; in the midst of a scene in which tossings to and fro are the hourly history! What an answer they contain for every heart that can find no words to express its big emotions; for a heart whose sorrows are too deep for language to find its way to God! Oh, that they were ever uppermost in the soul, as the response to every difficulty in our path! They are God’s answer to everything we cannot fathom; God’s answer for our hearts to rest upon, and our lips to utter, when every way is hedged up so that we cannot pass. “O Lord God, thou knowest!” Rest here, believer. Lean thy soul on these words. Repose calmly on the bosom of thy God, and carry them with thee into every scene of life. “O Lord God, thou knowest.”—F. Whitfield.

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Also before you leave the website, please look around the site.  DSI/Hands In Action is a missionary team who help the poorest of the poor in Northern Guatemala.  Please sign up for our newsletter on this website and also on Facebook.  Thank you.

If DSI has blessed you, please consider becoming a Partner with us to help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and be His Hands in Action in Guatemala and around the world with this teaching ministry.

Go to the donation page and become a “missionary partner” with us.  When you give you are partnering with me to become a fellow servant for Jesus in this “hungry” world.  Thanks again for blessing not only this ministry but also for serving with and for the Lord.

God Bless

Dennis Stauffer  (Founder/President and writer of DSI Ministries/Hands In Action)

Gary Green (Editor for DSI Ministries)

Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me (Devotional)

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

If you find yourself beginning to love any pleasure better than your prayers. any book better than your Bible, any house better than God’s, any table better than the Lords’s, any person better than your Savior, any one better than your soul, a present indulgence better than the hope of Heaven – TAKE ALARM! (Guthrie)

Helmet of Salvation (Rick Renner)

I have been sharing this for weeks. Today found it in one of my devotionals, that I read every morning.  Friends do not let the devil or your traditions of  your Church steal from you!

If your salvation is not worn tightly around your mind like a helmet, the enemy will come to chop the multiple blessings of your salvation right out of your theology. He will try to hack away at your foundation, telling you that healing, deliverance, preservation, and soundness of mind were not really a part of Jesus’ redemptive work on the Cross. By the time the enemy is finished with your mind, the only blessing he will leave you with is Heaven!   (From Rick Renner Aug 4 Sparking Gem)